Monday 13 February 2012

Not much to report - Feb 6th-10th 2012

Not much to report from last week. It was just one call after another, made worse by the fact that we were short of staff. On the one hand, it’s good that our number is advertised quite widely, in particular, when we send out info out to new members. I had quite a few calls from new members asking for advice on how to choose books and ideas for authors which is good as we are putting new readers on the right path at the beginning. The downside is that we are spending an increasing amount of time doing basic customer service work such as just ordering and returning lost books. If there were more of us, it would also be beneficial if we worked harder to retain readers – those that don’t use the service much and are in danger of their local social services withdrawing their service or working with those passive readers who you never talk to and rely on the computer to pick their books and just accept what they receive.

I feel I’ve made a big step forward with revalidation. I’ve sorted out my CV and mentee form and emailed this across to my first victim. I’ve not heard anything as yet but it’s still early days. My next task is to work through some Constant Contact notes to see if they make sense.

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