Saturday, 15 October 2011

Return of Holly and Cat and Thing 17 - Prezi and Slideshare

It seems like an age when I last posted something on my blog. The new school term has meant the start of governors meetings again along with various bugs coming home from school with both of the not so fairer sex going down with man flu and having to be nursed for 2 weeks and counting, it seems like an eternity.

I did manage to have a Friday off and I suppose I should have caught up then but the time I took the dog out for an extra long walk (over 2 hours) as he had lost out on his walks due to the man flu and then I spent about 3 hours catching up with my revalidation as this had fallen behind, my day had practically gone. I treated my revalidation to a box file and some nice plastic folders so sorting out all my bits for my portfolio will be my next job.

This last week saw an epic brandy chocolate truffle making venture most evenings for our cake stall which formed the part of a Read for RNIB fund-raising week. "Mr Darcy Delights" - creamy and smooth and melts in your mouth - turned out to be not as popular as "Heathcliff's Heavens" - dark and delicious and a bit rough and ready. (owing in part to the odd bumpy shape as 85% dark chocolate doesn't roll very well!)

We also had a week-long book sale, quiz, guess the first lines and raffle while one of our Team did some readings about love Friday dinner. We managed to raise nearly £220 altogether.

I was going to take part in the cpd23 online chat but I didn't get home until after 7.00 and then we had some unexpected visitors so had to do a "superman" job on the house to make it look respectable as it looks a bit rough by the end of the week.

So what can I say about Prezi. I haven't come across this before and I don't think it will be something that I would ever use in my job. I had a look at the various presentations but I haven't attempted to do one myself. It's effective to a point but it got irritating at the end with the continuous homing in and out. I lost the will to live. It's good to know that it exists and it's something that I might have a go with at a later date though I think it's something that had to be used with care.

Slideshare is another thing that I've not come across before and again, I can't see that I will be using it at the moment. I did Powerpoint in my ECDL which covered doing slide shows but that's the nearest thing. Again, I may relook at this at a later date.

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